Welcome to the web log (2.0)
Mostly for stupid little blogs and thoughts that pop into my mind. Ever wanted to dissect me and look at me under a microscope? Maybe start here !
For ease, I've categorized these little blogs by color.
blue means it's a rant. Some commentary about something.
green is for diary entries, I suppose? Personal things. Just about me and my life
pink is for reviews and summaries, mostly of media such as movies, but perhaps I'll review food items or beverages
orange is just to talk about stuff I enjoy. This is mostly for things that I like, but not enough to make a whole page/shrine about them.
purple is just miscellaneous. Weird stuff
I should mention these little colored bullet points are made by Suni/Dokodemo, so is the cursor and the little terrarium graphic. I will probably replace these with my own graphics sometime soon, but for now it'll do! And I'll probably add more categories for writings.
Oh, and the format of the dates are day/month/year. Because I'm normal.
Have fun reading :-)