Life update number 1

Hello every body. First time I do a blog post that is just about what's going on in my life. I'll try to do one of these every once in a while.

Feeling: ill

Listening to: Savages by That Handsome Devil

At the moment I am extremely unwell very sick with the flu which fucking sucks. But I am slowly getting better! Things are looking up! I am trying my best to focus on my hobbies right now I'm giving lots of attention to the website you are looking at Right Now. I'm working on another shrine and doing lots of progress. Going to try to get it out by the end of the week.
Update : that did not happen

In general having much tons of lots of fun ! I want to try to get more into traditional art again, and character design. And hopefully get out of writer's block.

I Don't know. Right now I'm very much in a transitional period of my life. Nothing very exciting is going on but I know there's great things to come if I keep on keeping on. I'm very excited for 2024 as I will be going to a brand new school that I've been looking forward to, and a lots of changes that'll give me more independence. I'll also go travel by plane for the first time in my life in the coming months which I'm super excited about.

I also just finished reading 17776 and it was incredible. Seriously. Oh my god. Go read it. go read it Right Now

So, despite being on my death bed , things are going great and my heart is full of hope!

peace & love