You might've thought to yourself, "why's this freak so into Christmas?" First of all, rude. Second of all, I have so many reasons to like Christmas as much as I do! And here that's what I'll talk about, my personal reasons for loving this holiday.
Because of course, a whole 'about me' page just wasn't enough.

Christmas is by far my favorite holiday and that's probably a little obvious. Ever since I was a child and celebrating my first few Christmases with added self-awareness/sentience, I loved this holiday. Something about the Christmas season fills me with such joy that it's impossible for me to get sad anytime during December! Which is good, because usually that time of year would be my least favorite since where I live, Christmas actually occurs in the SUMMER. And I hate hot weather with every cell in my body (and I've got lots of those). At least it means I could wear ridiculous skimpy Christmas outfits and not get cold :-)

Christmas time is also when school is out, another added bonus. But of course... The gifts. I can't deny that I surely like the 'getting gifts' part of Christmas, and frankly the only big purchases made for me the entire year are 1. for my birthday and 2. for Christmas so I have the RIGHT to be excited about it okay! My household is not the whealthiest. So Christmas is about one of the only times that I'm sure to actually get things I want.

The decorating is a huge part of it too! It's so fun to decorate the house and it makes me so so happy to look at it! I'd have my house decorated for Christmas every day if I could!!!!!!! I don't like just the decorating in the house no no no, but I LOVE walking through the town and seeing all the places doused in Christmas lights and the decorations in the town center. It's so so pretty, specially at night when all the lights turn on!

Overall, Christmas is just such a wonderful and happy time for me. So I decided to get into the history of it aswell and thats where This webpage comes from.